Arizona has a new look with education

Elected Superintendent Thom Horne Has A Vision
Posted on 01/26/2023
Campus sunset






By Noah Killeen

If there were one word to describe the 2022 general election in Arizona, it would be hectic. With many polarized races, a new administration in charge, and races decided by only a few thousand votes, Arizonans certainly had their hands full this November. There was one contentious race that those who are in education cared deeply about: the State Superintendent of Public Instruction election. 


Incumbent Kathy Hoffman (D) ran against Tom Horne (R), the former Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction (2003-2011) and Arizona Attorney General (2011-2015). By just 8,967 votes, Tom Horne won the race and replaced Kathy Hoffman as her successor. 


Since teachers, students, and school administrators will be significantly affected by this election, it's important to review some of the changes Tom Horne promised in his campaign or said he would prioritize in office. Schools are suffering from a shortage of teachers and staff, divided stances on new curriculums, and poor funding, so he has a lot to take on in the next four years.


He suggested in a recent interview that his first priority will be to lift the spending limit imposed on schools so that they can spend their money as they see fit. Currently, schools have a cap on the money that they can spend per year, forcing them to cut millions from their budgets in order to meet the limit. With Tom Horne’s push to eliminate this restriction, schools will have more freedom on how their budget and spending are structured.


A few of his other priorities will include improving test scores as he did when he was previously in office, aiding underprivileged schools, or requiring a high school graduation test. While it is unclear of his approach to handling these issues, the administration is hopeful that their work will improve the lives of Arizona students and school faculty members. 


During his campaign, he started some controversy by suggesting that he will eliminate critical race theory in schools and replace bilingual programs with English immersion programs. These statements are speculated to be just political promises as his administration is yet to comment on their progress regarding these matters. He remains hopeful, however, that his goal of placing a police officer at each public school can be achieved.


Despite one’s political beliefs, it is essential to recognize the goals of the political leaders so you can work to fight for or against their promises. As many essential positions within the state are being handed over to new leaders, Arizonans will be hoping for the best as their leadership takes hold.



Alam, Adnan. “Arizona Schools Superintendent: Tom Horne Runs Again Says He'll Focus on Academics, Not CRT.” Cronkite News - Arizona PBS, 13 Oct. 2022,

“Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction Election Results.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 8 Nov. 2022,

Barry, Jason. “New Arizona School Superintendent Discusses Priorities for Improving Public Education.” Https://,