by Sierra Espinoza
To the Class of 2022, we hope that your senior year was full of happy moments that you will remember for a lifetime. You had your ups and downs, but you did it! You made it through, and you should all be very proud of yourselves. A lot of you may not know how to feel about graduating, but a few seniors were able to share their experiences as well as their thoughts and feelings:
“I started my junior year at Estrella, and it was the best experience ever. I made some amazing friends and had some wonderful teachers my two years. My senior year was the best it could be, and I am thankful for my friends who made that happen. Estrella is a pretty good school to attend!” -Megan Severt
“My high school experience was definitely different. I had moved states at the beginning of junior year and it was extremely challenging to get used to, but now I am so grateful for all the new friends I have made along the way and all the opportunities I have been given for my future. Senior year was definitely one of the best years and I wouldn’t change it for the world.” -Kendall Jacks
“High school really did turn out to be extremely short. I never believed it when upperclassmen first told me. I thought it’d be the longest four years of my life, but it was the shortest, yet most challenging four years after all we’ve been through with Covid. I’ve grown so much, made so many friends, and found my place in my love for performing arts and I wouldn’t trade the experience for the world.” -Joanna Loveless
“Truth be told, high school was hard. There s a constant battle on trying to succeed in class and trying to have the average high school experience. Though the latter was not in cards when we were hit by Covid. Back then the only club I was doing was Art Club, and I never got out there with meeting people. In all of high school, that is my biggest regret: not meeting people in my earlier years. Once we got out of Covid, I joined many more clubs and started studying even harder for my classes as I was taking Ap and college courses. My plate was full, and my energy was empty. By the end of junior year, I was burnt out. I realized I couldn’t continue into senior year, so I took a step back and focused on myself while still working on these things I enjoyed. I made senior year the best year. Did I 100% find that balance between school work and fun? I don’t think so, but I made many friends and memories, which makes it worth it.” -Victoria Lauritano
“High school was a great experience for me. I feel like I’ve grown and learned a lot throughout these four years. I met friends and expanded my interests.” -Mackenzie Alvarez
Thank you to all these amazing seniors who were able to open up about their thoughts and feelings! As some of them stated, high school was full of highs and lows, which is going to happen later in life as well. Just know that you will be able to get through anything and you should always continue to make the most out of your years. Farewell Class of 2022, we will all miss you so much and we all wish you the best of luck on your future endeavors!