Looking into Wolf Den

Should the study hall period return?
Posted on 10/27/2022
Empty classroom





by Wolfpack Post editors

Before the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year, students were given the opportunity to use 20-30 minutes of the day – depending on the day of the week – as a study hall to aid them in catching up with work, reviewing upcoming material, or retaking tests in class. Any sophomores, juniors, or seniors at the school remember this period as Wolf Den. However, when walking into the EFHS halls on the first day of the new school year, students were met with a change of pattern: removal of this third-hour period. Some Wolfpack Post editors wanted to give their thoughts on this change and give a student’s perspective on not having this period:


Without Wolf Den, I am unable to study for AP classes that happen in the spring. With the block schedule that EFHS offers, it was critical to have time reserved each day to review the curriculum that was taught in the fall. The new decision to get rid of these productive 30 minutes in my day means I am limited in the one-on-one meetings with teachers. Part of my success in the four AP classes I took last year was from these times to meet with teachers. 

  • Noah Killeen, Managing Editor


Not only did Wolf Den offer time for additional studying, but it gave a break to students. I’m lucky enough to have a shorter school day, but going class to class with no break other than our 30-minute lunch makes it more difficult for students to concentrate. Additionally, AP courses have lost their extra time to prepare for the exam. APUSH (AP U.S. History) Wolf Den helped students maintain their writing skills and information, but now if they have the full semester break, their scores might suffer because of it.

  • Keely Walker, Opinions Editor 


I find it hard to believe that Wolf Den is actually gone. It was the part of the day that I got to relax for 15 or 30 minutes, but now I find that I am more fatigued and lacking in concentration. Within that time I was also able to catch up with late work or study for that quiz I forgot about. Students were able to use that time to ask questions. Wolf Den was not only a break for the students, but the teachers as well. I have seen teachers becoming more stressed with Wolf Den being gone because now they only have one period, if that, to catch up on work. It can cause teachers to stay after school longer than usual, which takes time away from their families. Clubs are also having to navigate this issue, especially Student Body and Student Council. They would use that time to help decorate or have meetings. Now, Student Body and Student Council have to find additional time outside of their day than usual. There can also be some positives in losing Wolf Den. Now, fewer students are roaming the halls, which makes it easier to figure out where the students are for our safety. 

  • Jaycee Pope, Sports Editor 


Wolf Den was a beneficial aspect of our school day that provided students with that extra period to study, ask questions, or take a break between classes. With all opinions, there is one thing the editors can agree on: school days were better with the addition of Wolf Den.