Senior Advice

After 3 Years in High School, EFHS Seniors have Advice for Class of 2026
Posted on 09/09/2022
Senior class photo





By Noah Killeen, managing editor

  If there’s one thing we understand about the EFHS Class of 2023’s time here at Estrella Foothills High School, it’s that this has not been an easy three years. Coming into the school as a freshman and having to navigate virtual schooling, the seniors faced adversities and setbacks that forced them to rise to the challenge of overcoming a plethora of obstacles. Over their three years at Estrella Foothills, they have a lot of advice to share with the freshman class. 

The Wolfpack Post sent out a form for the seniors to write anonymous advice for the class of 2026. We’ve received feedback on their recommendations on clubs to join, managing school and a social life, and other general advice that seniors wanted to share. When prompted to give advice on clubs or extracurriculars to join, one senior wrote, “I would recommend joining clubs and sports that you genuinely enjoy or are interested in.” There was a common trend in the advice received: follow your passions. There were also many sports that were recommended like track & field, wrestling, football, and cross country. One senior offered the idea to try at least one sport while at EFHS. They wrote, “Sports in high school aren’t the same as you’ve played through your youth.” 

While joining sports was a common response, others suggested following your academic and career pursuits. One senior wrote, “Definitely get involved with FBLA. That gives you the most skills for out-of-high school experience.” Other extracurriculars that were recommended by seniors were NHS, student body, journalism, book club, and the yearbook club. 

Seniors also had recommendations on how to be successful in the classroom. They gave some advice on study habits like studying in short intervals, listening to music to stay focused, and taking notes even when you believe it isn’t necessary. Some seniors also had advice on “destressing every so often” while studying. They also suggested that it is best to study right after school and not wait until the night. One response suggests, “Once you’re super tired, stop studying. If you don’t know it by midnight, you’re not likely to perform any better staying up later.” 

The Wolfpack Post also gave seniors a chance to note some successful ways to balance a social life and their school/sports commitments. They suggested that while this can be a difficult task, it isn’t impossible if you adopt the right habits. A common trend in the responses was to “have a schedule mapped out.” One senior wrote, “In the morning when you shower, think of all the main things you need/want to get done, and then just slip things into place with sports and schoolwork and leisure.” They also stressed the importance of taking breaks throughout the day to remain encouraged when studying. 

The seniors also had some general advice for the class of 2026. A lot of responses mentioned that high school is a short experience, so it is important to make the most out of it. One person noted, “High school is a growing period for you. You will not be the same as when you started. Get involved and make as many memories as you can in your 4 years!” Another person suggested that it was important to not “worry about the small things in high school. Focus on yourself and look to get a job once you get your license.” 

While the seniors will be leaving the school in a short 8 months, they encourage the freshmen to enjoy the opportunities available at Estrella Foothills High School. The class of 2023 is always available to help, whether it is advice, or assistance on joining exciting extracurriculars. They look forward to seeing the freshmen grow as students, and the seniors hope you enjoy every minute at EFHS!